Friday, August 19, 2011

A Scare

Sometimes it takes a scare to make you think differently. A couple of people I know have had emergency room visits lately, including my husband. He thought that if he took care of himself, he'd never have any health issues. Well, a 3mm kidney stone floored him this week. My coworker had pain in her left arm and numbness in her face. It made her consider that she might get too worked up about things that don't really matter, or can't really be controlled. A friend of mine discovered that if he ignored the pain that sometimes comes with love, he might lose that relationship altogether. We all have a scare every now and then, but if we can keep our hearts open for the lesson, we can often gain peace and wisdom.

Oh, and a practical note: if you are awakened at 3 a.m. by a bat flying through your living room like my friend was this morning, I have heard that opening a window or door and leaving the room is a good idea. Not everyone has a wonderful upstairs neighbor who will come with a blanket and a tennis racket to help you.

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